Burningman 2007:The Green Man
Event 4: Between stormsI took very few photos this year. Part of the fault goes to the number of dust storms this year-far more than usual this year.
Home |
First Prototypes |
D1: Other stuff |
D2: Beach Burn |
More Prototypes |
D3: Maker Faire |
Icosahedron |
D4: Fire Mountain |
Skinning1 |
Skinning2 |
Skinning3 |
Finishing |
Cindy 1 |
Cindy 2
One day we had it all. The morning was bright and calm with temperatures rising steadily. By afternoon, clouds rolled in to cool off the playa. Wind followed raising some dust. Soon the warning was heard that 60 mph winds were coming from Gerlach. Tents and shade structures were whipped/ripped in the strong gusts. Then the rain started. fortunately just enough big drops to make a mess out of all of the parked cars, but we were all beginning to wonder if Frog or Locust were going to be next. med | big | huge |
As the wind dropped and the dust settled toward sunset, the most vivid double/triple rainbow came out to the delight of all the weather beaten burners. med | big | huge |
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Looking toward my camp (gray windshade w/flag), one of Cameron's art cars, and my dusty car. med | big | huge |
My attempt to make a solar alarm clock-that would boil water at the same time each day using the light concentrated off a repurposed satelite dish-was a failure. The water got hot in the sun, but the constant breeze kept it too cool to reach boiling. med | big | huge |
Marcel & Jill's tent. med | big | huge |
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Ever feel too attached to your projects? med | big | huge |
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After I anchored the globe to the playa 700' from the man, someone decided to take it for a wander one evening despite the warnings i sprayed on it. med | big | huge |
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It looked as though someone got inside (the hatch was broken open when I got to it in the morning) because this corner was smashed outward. I was afraid that the ball wouldn't survive the final 700' trip to the fire and so used a couple hundred feet of rope to tie the broken panels together (didn't take any photos of the repair.) med | big | huge |
To keep it from wandering away again, the globe spent it's last day and night covered with a tarp on which I sprayed several warnings to leave it alone. med | big | huge |
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