Burningman 2006:

Intelligent Design

Tape Casting Workshop

An idea I stole from a few photos I saw on Yahoo last year. How good a body cast can be made with tape?
Home | How Its Done | First Steps | Side Trips | Tape Casting workshop | Casting Paully 1 | Casting Paully 2 | Casting Paully 3 | Casting Paully 4 | Casting Paully 5 | Stickers | Progress | ID toons1 | ID toons2 | Progress 2 | Progress 3 | Progress 4 | Ramp | 4th of July | Final Push
On-Playa Arrival 1 | Arrival 2 | Early Burn | ID Setup | Arrival 3 | Playa Art 1 | Playa Art 2 | Intelligent Design Shots | Body Paint | Snake Mother | The Man Burns | Belgian Burn
Pixs from other folks Other ID Photos | Other ID Photos 2 | Other Meat Photos 2

Jo at the beginning of her torso cast.

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Debi wanted a cast done to use as a dress making manniken.

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sCary wanted a full body cast.

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paully and Martini Man spent a lot of effort working on Jo.

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How do you get that butt definition? Easy. Slit a crack in the tape, push it against the skin and apply more tape to hold the shape.

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David and Kay work on Debi.

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Half done and still smiling!

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Once we cut sCary out of his cast, Jo works on retaping the slit.

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The first 3 completed casts see the light of day.

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First 3 casts done, time to work on Paully

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Paully on a slightly inclined ramp with a stick in hand. Hopefully this tripod stance will keep him on his feet out on the playa.

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Legs done, we begin working on the torso.

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Working his way out of the caccoon looks very bizarre!

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At the end, Paully was absolutely beside himself.

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