Burningman 2020:

the Multiverse: CANCELLED due to Covid-19

Arising Phoenix

Building a Phoenix

Overview Pages:
the Plan part 1: Making Plans | the Plan part 2: Cross Sections | the Plan part 3: Longitudinals the Plan part 4: Wings, Tail & Legs the Plan part 5: Base

wizzard's chronological Photos:
Picking up in Paradise 1 | Picking up in Paradise 2 | Treasures in Campbell
Building Starts | Building 2 | Building 3 | Building 4 | Building 5 | Building 6 | xxx | xxx | xxx

Gwen's chronological Photos:
Paradise 1 | Paradise 2 | Paradise 3 | Build 1 | Build 2 | Build 3 | Build 4 | Build 5 | Build 6 | xxx

Building 5

Working on the neck and reinforcing the base to reduce the flexing/shaking of the body.

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C-Clamps that run tail to top along both sides of the pipe wrenches.

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The base of the Phoenix began showing it's weaknesses. When it is pushed a bit sideways it rocks around too much largely because the metal just isn't thick enought to keep from bending....

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...the next few images show the new metal framework I put together to tighten it up.

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Pretty much as soon as I welded the neck pickaxe in place I realized it wasn't quite the right shape so I decided to heat it in place (little choice) and bend it. Here I'm hanging 100+ ;b pn the part I want to bed downward prior to heating. (See Gwen's Build 5 page for the actual heating.)

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