Burningman 2010:


Art Installation Questionnaire 2010

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Art Installation Questionnaire 2010

    Project Type

    All mandatory questions are denoted with a red box.

  1. (Required)
    What is your art installation/project called?
  2. Name of the person(s) who is creating this art installation, if different from the person filling out this questionnaire.
  3. (Required)
    Would you like your Art Installations data included in public listings? These listings may include, but not necessarily be limited to: WhatWhereWhen - printed event guide, Burning Man Website, Playa Info Directory found at Playa Info in Center Camp, Burning Man Earth, iPhone applications and the Burning Man API (which allows artists and developers to create their own applications with publicly available data).

    Listing information may include: project name, artist, art placement, website description, contact name, honorarium or pavilion, public email ­ optional.

  4. If you are interested in being listed, write a description in the third person, present tense, describing what your piece looks like and what it means. Please limit your description to 150 words. Do not give commands or invite people to do things.
  5. (Required)
    Please describe your project in 100 words or less. This version of your project description will be used for internal purposes to educate members of the art team of what your art installation will look like, and how participants will interact with it.
  6. If you have checked "Listed" on the Data Listed Publicly question above and would like a public email displayed, please include it below (we will not display your email used for registration unless you re-enter it here).
  7. (Required)
    Is your art installation associated with a theme camp?

  8. If so, with which theme camp is your art installation associated?
  9. Visual Details

  10. (Required)

    Please describe as clearly as you can, in as much detail as you need, what your art installation represents.

    • What is the visual impact?
    • If it's interactive, how will Burning Man participants interact with it?
    • Are recycled/repurposed materials being used?
    • If you are utilizing fire in any way, we will be asking for more details related to the fire later in this questionnaire.

    Because the questions are deposited into a database that is utilized by multiple groups within the Art Department, we would prefer that you write your description here (or copy and paste from a PDF, Word or text document) and not just point us to your description that resides on a web site.

  11. (Required)
    Please estimate the physical dimensions of your piece (width X length X height).
  12. (Required)
    Artwork must be sufficiently secured against high winds (up to 60 miles per hour) and intense weather conditions that often arise on the playa. (Note: if guy wires are necessary to the construction they must be flagged and lit at night.) Is your project over 15 feet high?

  13. (Required)
    To prevent irreparable environmental damage, and as part of our Event Stipulations, holes dug in the playa may NOT be any larger than 3 cubic feet (either 1 foot wide by 3 feet deep, OR 3 feet wide by 1 foot deep). The reason for this is that larger holes, when refilled, will become either a high spot or a low spot after the winter rains. This causes a hazard to vehicle traffic and can create dunes. For larger holes, we require you collect the displaced playa dirt and pack it back into the hole after de-installation.

    Are you planning on digging holes in the playa?

  14. (Required)
    Are there any aspects or components to your installation or project which could possibly interfere with other nearby art, such as bright lights OR loud sound, etc?

  15. If answering yes to the above question, please describe:
  16. Are you in need of a quiet area for your artwork?

  17. Are you in need of a dark area for your artwork?

  18. Illumination and Power

  19. (Required)
    The playa can be a very dark environment. During the project's construction and the event, how will your project and perimeter be illuminated to insure that it (and any rebar or guy wires) will be seen at night, and not get run over by vehicles or bicycles? Deep cycle batteries work well for power sources.

    SUGGESTIONS FOR LIGHTING - LED, EL Wire, Solar, Battery Powered, Wind, Blinking Lights.

  20. (Required)
    What are the energy requirements for lighting and running your art installation? (Required)
    Example on how to calculate fuel usage for generators or other fuel consuming devices:
    Generator fuel usage per hour X number of hours generator will be run per day X number of days generator will be run = gallon of fuel needed to make it through the event.
  21. Describe how the energy to light your art will be generated

  22. Which, if any of the following features will your project include? Please check all that apply.
  23. What kind and how many batteries will you be using for your art installation?
  24. (Required)
    Will your installation be generator powered?

  25. (Required)
    How many (if any) generators will you require for your art installation?

  26. (Required)
    What kind of fuel will you need to power your generator?
    Bio Diesel
  27. (Required)
    Are you powering your art by something other than the above sources?

  28. If you answered yes, please explain what other power source you will be using
  29. How much fuel will you be storing? For the safety of our event, we are asking anyone storing 21 or more liquid gallons to fill out the last question on this page: Combustibles Fuel and Hazardous Material Storage. (This information is for fire prevention only and is confidential.)

  30. Leave No Trace

  31. (Required)
    Whether you plan to burn your project or not, please describe IN DETAIL your plan to Leave No Trace after de-installing your art. How will you protect the playa from damage? Ensure that your artwork will not leave litter? Explain how you will tear down, clean up and restore the playa to its original condition when you first arrived.
  32. (Required)
    If you are not burning your project, will your materials be recycled, reused or repurposed? Explain.
  33. Diagram

    Diagram/Drawing Submission Method
    To complement your project description, please submit to us a diagram or drawing of your project. This can be as simple or complex as you need it to be; the goal is to help the Art Department fully understand what you are creating so that we can fully support your art installation. Please send it to us within 2 (two) weeks of submitting this form via one of the following ways:

    • URL: see below
    • Email: artappreview@burningman.com
    • E Fax: 1-801-665-3500 - Attn: Art Installations
    • Snail Mail: Attn: Art Installations
      • Burning Man
      • Attn: Art Installations
      • P O Box 884688
      • San Francisco, CA 94188-4688

  34. Please enter a URL for your Art installation Diagram.
  35. Special Needs

  36. (Required)
    Are you building a stage?

  37. If you are building a stage, please describe the materials used in the construction (metal frame, wood frame). Where will the stage be located in relation to your project? Is the stage included in your footprint noted above? Please note live music and dj performances are not allowed at the open playa.
  38. (Required)
    Will your project have sound amplification?

  39. If so, please describe.
  40. Please share any necessary additional information.
  41. Burning Questions - Flame Classifications

    Please read the following Flame Classification Definitions carefully and choose the category that best describes the primary fire type your artwork uses, before answering the questions that follow.

    Answering yes to any of the following questions requires that you read and agree to the associated guidelines found in the Fire Safety Agreement section of this questionnaire.

    Any artwork that incorporates flames that are automated, switched, pressurized or having any other action than simply being lit on fire. This includes projects that use propane or liquid fuels.

    DIFFERENT LEVELS OF OPEN FIRE will require different safety procedures. 

    LEVEL ONE - Art Installation when fully engulfed in flames, producing a tremendous amount of heat, requires a Burn Shield Platform and may or may not require a safety perimeter. This artwork may or may not require Ranger support. A burn laminate WILL be needed for this level.

    LEVEL TWO (Small Enclosed Fire) candles, torches, lanterns, fire barrels, raised container - Precautions must be taken to make sure that anything that should Not be set on fire is kept away from flame. For example: fabric, sets, etc. As long as all fire is kept within an enclosed vessel there is no need for a Burn Shield Platform or a Laminate.

    LEVEL THREE - Art installation that is created in one location and is moved to an approved Burn Shield Platform for burning. The artwork could be burned after the Man has been set on fire OR at one of the public burn platforms along the Esplanade, depending on the most favorable schedule. A burn Laminate will not be needed for this level.  

    Burning Man's definition of pyrotechnics includes any explosives, projectiles or fireworks.


    Absolutely NO DISPLAY [1.3G CLASS B, UN0335] FIREWORKS (Professional Fireworks) Or Higher Will Be Permitted At Any Art Installation Or Performance.

    Please indicate all of the types of flame classifications, according to the definitions above, your project will incorporate:

  42. (Required)
    Please indicate the primary flame type (i.e. to be used for the most time during the event) that your artwork will incorporate, according to the flame classification definitions above:

  43. (Required)
    Please indicate the secondary flame type (i.e. to be used for the second most often during the event) that your artwork will incorporate, according to the flame classification definitions above:

  44. (Required)
    Please indicate the tertiary flame type (i.e. to be used for the third-most frequent time during the event) that your artwork will incorporate, according to the flame classification definitions above:

  45. (Required)
    Will you be STORING HAZARDOUS FLAMMABLES or any potentially dangerous combustibles, such as gasoline, kerosene, propane, oxygen, consumer fireworks, etc at your art installation? (This information is for fire prevention only and is confidential.)

    Thank You For Filling Out The Art Questionnaire
    If you are not incorporating fire in any way you are done with this questionnaire.
    IF you answered YES to any of the fire questions please continue answering the following flame questions and agreements.
    IF you answered YES to Storing Hazardous Material (other than camp fuel) please continue filling out the following questionnaire and agreements.
    The following documents are what you will be viewing in this order.

    • Flame Effects Fire Safety Agreement
    • Pyrotechnics Fire Safety Agreement
    • Open Fire Safety Agreement
    • Fire Safety Agreement: Fuel and Hazard Materials Storage
    • Fire Safety Questionnaire