Burningman 2012:

Cargo Cult

Catenary Plans (and the death of an old friend)

Catenary is the name of the shape of a hanging chain. Indeed, catenary is latin for chain. If the shape is flipped over, it is the perfect shape to make an arch that is self supporting. Circular or pointed arches of stone only support themselves when a catenary shape can be drawn within them. To do so usually takes thick stones that weigh a lot. An arch made in the shape of a catenary can be very thin with no fear of collapse.

Catenaries also have a pleasent shape in my opinion. Think of the St. Louis Arch-not exctly a catenary, but a catenary can be inscribed with it's shape.

I want to use a 3 legged catenary arch as the locale to be married at this year at Burning Man.

In the midst of this joyous planning, we said goodbye to an old, old friend. Our dog Coco who was at least 16 years old. We'd been putting off a decision for many months, but her health and lack of strength was leaving her in constant pain. Gwen and I finaly realized that we were keeping her alive more for our benefit than hers. RIP old friend.
Catenary Plans | Work Begins | Finishing the Arch
On the Playa
Playa 1 | Playa 2 | Wedding 1 | Wedding 2 | Wedding 3 | Playa 3 | Playa 4 | Playa 5 | Playa 6 | Playa 7
Gwen's Photos
Gwen 1 | Gwen 2 | Gwen 3 | Gwen 4 | Gwen 5 | Gwen 6 | Gwen 7 | Gwen 8 | wedding | Gwen 9 | Gwen 10 | Gwen 11 | Gwen 12 | Gwen 13 | Gwen 14 | Gwen 15 | Gwen 16 | Gwen 17

I made about 20 feet of chain to try to find a shape I liked.

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I used some beaded chain (like on pull chain light sockets) to make the first arch shapes, but they didn't work quite right-some of the beads must have been a bit heavier than others.

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The purple shapes were maded with the beaded chain. The orange shapes were made using store bought chain that seemed to make more symmetric catenaries.

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A bit of spray paint recorded the shape on the foam board.

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I transferred the shape to another piece of cardboard by poking through the foam core with a thumb tack, but didn't like the rough pattern I carved out of that board.

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Instead, I transferred the shape to a bit of clear plastic at what I then decided was 1:6 scale.

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Coco's last day 15 Feb 13

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My head says that we are doing the right thing, but my heart is breaking.

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Toughest decision I've ever had to make.

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Goodbye old friend.

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Gwen says a final goodbye. Coco has only been my dog for 4 years. Gwen had her for almost 10.

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