Revolutions in Communication
Obfuscation: da Vinci 1

Leonardo da Vinci has always been a hero of mine. Born 500 years before I was, it has always amazed me that he accomplished so much so long ago.

One thing has always puzzled me. It is always stated that da Vinci wrote backwards in his journals to hide his discoveries. Does anyone really believe this? If you look at the background image, you should notice that I have cut, duplicated and flipped an image down the center of the spine. Notice that the left side of the page is as da Vinci drew it, the right is the flipped side.

I can't read Italian script, but if you could read the text on the right side of the page, how hard would it be to read the text on the left? If you hold a book up in front of a mirror, are you so baffled by what you see that you can no longer see it as words? Did this most brilliant man of his age really suppose that he was hiding his writings from anyone with the intelligence to understand it's content?

More da Vinci

Time needed to create: Medium
Longevity: 500 years and counting
created by bob marzewski, Jan 1996