Burningman 2001:

3 foot BRC 2001 Map

A printed map to use in Camp Chaos to point out directions and mark with cool things to see.
Wizzard Oasis

Returning from last year

Windy City - animated gifs

A field of pinwheels-constructed throughout the week.
A garden hose track guides a wind powered vehicle which tours the city of wind.

Bead Shop

Come make something pretty.

Wizzard da Vinci - revisited

Massage Tables

One for the Oasis, one for Camp Chaos

Jupiter Ball

Eye Candy

Power and Miscellaneous

Generator, batteries, theremin, weather modifications and more.

LED strings

Not really an art project,but away to get lit up at night.

Utility trailer

to carry it all to the desert.

Aborted project ideas

Life on Earth?